Welcome to Naofumi Yoshida's Web Page.

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Naofumi YOSHIDA, Ph.D.


see also: Faculty of GMS (a list of lectures), GMS Course Management System

Open Campus Information


He was born in Kyoto City. He received BE, ME, and Ph.D degrees from Univ. of Tsukuba in 1996, 1998, and 2001 respectively under the supervision of Prof. Kiyoki. He was a special researcher at Graduate School of Media and Governance (at SFC), Keio University (2001-2006). He was a senior researcher (visiting) of the Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University (2007-2014). He was a visiting researcher of Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland May 2010-Sep 2010. He is a professor at Faculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University.

He is also a research advisor at Orange TechLab Inc..

Research interests: database systems, multimedia systems, system software

He is a member of ACM , IEEE-CS (IEEE Computer Society) , IPSJ , IEICE and DBSJ (Database Society of Japan) .


[bib. on DBLP]


Academic Contributions

a List of Search Engine

a List of Search Engine



Tweets by @naofumiyoshida micro blog

GitHub account(@naofumiyoshida)

Multimedia Certification Exam. of CG-Arts Society (Oct.9, 2006)
