- トポロジー1 〜 幾何から代数へのパラダイムシフト 〜
- 結び目
- 双曲的非ユークリッドの世界を視よう
- The shape of Space
- Rope-Work
- ロープワーク
- 3次元球面を感じる 空間はどんな形をしているか? by Takashi Tsuboi
- Notes on Heegaard Splittings by Jesse Johnson
- Heegaard splittings of compact 3-manifolds by Martin Scharlemann
- Thin position in the theory of classical knots by Martin Scharlemann
- Almost Normal Heegaard Splittings by Saul David Schleimer
- Hyperbolic Knots by Colin Adams
- Braids: A Survey by Joan S. Birman and Tara E. Brendle
- Computation of Hyperbolic Structures in Knot Theory by Jeffrey R. Weeks
- Tangle decompositions of knots and links
- Thin position of manifolds
- Essential free decompositions of knot exteriors
- Interpolating manifolds for knots
- Shape of the universe
- Basic Knot Types and Invariants
- The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds by William P. Thurston
- KNOTS KNOTES by Justin Roberts
- Notes on Geometry and 3-Manifolds by Walter Neumann
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