
  1. トポロジー1 〜 幾何から代数へのパラダイムシフト 〜
  2. 結び目
  3. 双曲的非ユークリッドの世界を視よう
  4. The shape of Space
  5. Rope-Work
  6. ロープワーク
  7. 3次元球面を感じる 空間はどんな形をしているか? by Takashi Tsuboi
  8. Notes on Heegaard Splittings by Jesse Johnson
  9. Heegaard splittings of compact 3-manifolds by Martin Scharlemann
  10. Thin position in the theory of classical knots by Martin Scharlemann
  11. Almost Normal Heegaard Splittings by Saul David Schleimer
  12. Hyperbolic Knots by Colin Adams
  13. Braids: A Survey by Joan S. Birman and Tara E. Brendle
  14. Computation of Hyperbolic Structures in Knot Theory by Jeffrey R. Weeks
  15. Tangle decompositions of knots and links
  16. Thin position of manifolds
  17. Essential free decompositions of knot exteriors
  18. Interpolating manifolds for knots
  19. Shape of the universe
  20. Basic Knot Types and Invariants
  21. The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds by William P. Thurston
  22. KNOTS KNOTES by Justin Roberts
  23. Notes on Geometry and 3-Manifolds by Walter Neumann

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